Empire of the Sun.
Anyway, there is a lot going on right now, first, I am cropping photos, one of which I am going to post here, and also I am listening to Annie Mac's Mashup on BBC 1, which is an earful (in a good way) - she started out the evening with the "tansque" Empire of the Sun, perhaps the most fun, favorite band that I am listening to in 2009.
Actually, there really isn't that much going on, but Annie Mac's program is like listening to 10 stations at once and then trying to think and type, and well, try it for yourself. It is best super late at night or early in the extra super early in the morning.
Brad Nack' 100% Reindeer Art Preview (unfinished).
It is officially the last day of July and today I took photos of all 2,009 reindeer paintings.