Tuesday, January 27, 2009


(unfinished Reindeer #58 - 2009)
I know this is going to be overwhelming. I am posting photos of 2,009 paintings in progress. So, as the images progress, I am going to be taking photos of them and then posting them as the year moves along. Last night I dragged out the lights an took 75 photos, then, I spent the rest of the evening uploading and color correcting the images. Next, I broke them down, named and filed them, then I uploaded them to a series of Picasa photo albums.

The overwhelming part is that this process took about 8 hours, and that was for only 75 images. Each painting will probably end up having about 10 photos of  the progress. That, in turn equals 10 times 2,009 or 20,090 photos. 

I am now looking for at least one person to commit to looking at all of them at some point this year. Also, what's up with only 4 followers? That's embarrassing, comon' people, follow the herd!

Who's in?

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